The Winner’s Circle: 12th Annual Premiere One-Act Festival
The West Coast premieres of five one-act plays. From over 300 submissions from all over the United States, Canada, Great Britain and Europe, we chose what we thought to be ‘the best’ to share.
The Grand Design
Written by Susan Miller
Directed by Ronnie Clark
Cast: Kenneth Rudnicki, Mary Boucher
Written by Rosemary Frisino Toohey
Directed by Tina Polzin
Cast: Laura Buckles, Dale Duko, Kristin Gedney
The Boy Who Was Born With a Tail
Written by Matt Casarino
Directed by Lanny Lighthill
Cast: Jodie Schell, Tristan Wright, Daria Balling, Melissa Marie Thomas
The Normal Child
One-Act Competition Winner
Written by Phillip William Brock
Directed by Michael David
Cast: Jon Amirkan, Shauna Bloom, Dale Duko, Tristan Wright
The Captain
Written by Chris Leavins
Directed by Paul Nicolai Stein
Cast: Michael Shutt
Producer: Ronnie Clark
Associate Producer/Stage Manager: Jackie Moses
Assistant Stage Manager: Sarah Rincon
Lighting Designer: Christopher Singleton
Sound Designer: Mike Peters
Fight Choreographer: Caleb Terray